Creating an SP authorization request
You can create service/procedure (SP) authorization requests in the TruCare ProAuth dashboard.
You can create two types of service/procedure (SP) authorization requests: medical or behavioral health. If your organization does not support creation of behavioral health authorization requests, they are not enabled in TruCare ProAuth. The authorization request workflow is the same for both types of requests.
Throughout the workflow for submitting an SP authorization request, you must complete all mandatory fields marked with an asterisk. Authorizations might include User Defined Fields (UDFs). For more information about UDFs, see UDF guidelines.
As you proceed through the workflow, the header on the screens reflects the type of authorization request you are creating: Create Service/Procedure Authorization for medical SP authorization requests or Create Service/Procedure Behavioral Health Authorization for behavioral health SP authorization requests. You can also see where you are in the main parts of the workflow: Prescreen, Authorization Details, Services, or Confirmation.
The authorization creation workflow involves the following high-level tasks:
1. Start an authorization request.
2. Complete the SP authorization prescreen.
3. Complete the Authorization Details section of the request.
4. Review services and modify them as needed, then submit the authorization.
* Note: The option values shown in the workflow topics in this section are illustrative only.